The curious minds that work together peeking into the magnificent work of nature
徐嘉琳 Chia-Lin Hsu
Principal Investigator
My research interest is to understand how these metabolite transporters respond and facilitate the development and activation of the immune system during homeostatic or disease settings.
Having extensive exposure in both academic and industry settings, I have gained valuable insights into the challenges each side faces and would like to apply these experiences to advance basic research findings to translational products. I also enjoy mentoring young minds to ask important questions and support them to build up confidence and independence.
謝毓庭 Yu-Ting Hsieh
Ph.D. Student
YuTing received her M.S from Institute of microbiology and immunology, NYMU, and B.S. from Department of Medical Laboratory and Biotechnology , Chung Shan Medical University. She has a nickname of mushroom and is very good at tasting delicacy.
Her favorite quote: Never underestimate your power to change yourself.

蔡沛芫 Pei-Yuan Tsai
Ph.D. Student
PeiYuan received her M.S from Institute of microbiology and immunology, NYMU; B.S. from Department of Medical Laboratory and Biotechnology , Chung Shan Medical University and is here to experience a scientist’s life. She is best at making bad jokes and has two dogs.
Her favorite quote: “I can accept defeat but could not accept to give up!”

陳君瑜 Chun-Yu Chen, Master student 2025
I am best at Looking for lost things
My favorite quote:
" Hakuna Matata "

林泊瑋 Po-Wei Lin, Master student 2026
I am best at Bowling (maybe)
My favorite quote:
“Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination."

林宣辰 Shiuan-Chen, Lin, Master student 2025
I am best at: Thriving in spoon-fed learning
My favorite quote:
"I allow everything to happen."

王捷 , Wang Jie
Master student 2026
Joshua is best at sleep
His favorite quote:
This will do.
劉書伃 , Shu-Yu Liu
Master student 2026
I am best at: Taking pictures for cats.
My favorite quote:
"It always seems impossible until it’s done."

蘇庭誼 Ting-Yi Su
My favorite quote: Be cheerful and hopeful!

Ellie is best at welcoming people to the lab. Her favorite quote is: "Woof."
Meet The Alumni (2023-2024)

蔡子維 Tzu-Wei Tsai
I am best at Trash-talk.
My favorite quote:
Be together. Not the same

蔡采嫺 Tsai-Hsien Tsai
I am best at discovering new films, collecting cultural and creative products, and being a cat lover at most times (except for Ellie!)
My favorite quote:
“Everything you want is on the other side of fear."

曾宜羚 Yi-Ling Tseng
I am best at being a couch potato.
My favorite quote: You don't smile because you're happy; you're happy because you smiled.

呂瑩穗 Ying –Sui, Lu
I’m fond of listening to music
My favorite quote: Stay close to people who feel like sunshine

沈子翔 Sean Shen
The best medical technologist you can find in drawing blood.
Meet The Alumni (2022-2023)

黃昱嘉 Yu-Chia Huang
Yu-Chia has a PharmD from the Department of Pharmacy at National Taiwan University. Her favorite quote is: “We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference.” - Nelson Mandela

黃深彥 Shen-Yen Huang
Sam received his B.S. from the Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Biopharmaceuticals. He is best at eating. His favorite quote is: With great power comes great responsibility.

蔡宗霖 Tsung-Lin Tsai
My favorite quote: Fight until the last bullet.